"Study is worthwhile!"
Secondary level 2 |
Our students take part in the project "Study is worthwhile!" part.
As part of the project, schoolchildren receive information on study options, specific study conditions, study finance, but also on organizational issues related to a course of study. This should make it possible to initiate the process of study orientation and make it more transparent for schoolchildren in order to counteract potential uncertainties at an early stage. For this purpose, employees of the Brandenburg universities hold workshops and information events that are aimed primarily at students in grades 11 to 13. In addition, around 150 students are available as so-called "student alumni", who not only inform students about study conditions, but primarily present their own study experiences. The events that are carried out by the "student alumni" offer first-hand information and experience reports and thus represent an important addition to existing forms of study advice. Here, in a familiar and open atmosphere, questions can be freely asked and experiences can be passed on. It's worth studying! "Is a cooperation project between the University of Potsdam, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Wildau University of Applied Sciences, Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences (FH), Lausitz University of Applied Sciences, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Viadrina European University in Frankfurt (Oder) and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, which is funded by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture.
Activities for career orientation sec. 2
in the Department of Chemistry / Biology
Science on tour - offer from the FH Lausitz with study information
Internship of the students of the chemistry course at the University of Potsdam (study information)
Glass laboratory (Berlin-Buch), "Max Delbrück - Institut" - practical station work
in the Department of Computer Science
Events "Science On Tour" of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Workshops e.g. programming with "Unity" and study information.
Visit to the robotics school of telematics at the TH Wildau. Internships for students of seminars in computer science or a trial course for various courses are also possible here.
There is also a seminar course from class 12 onwards for study and career orientation at our school.
Cooperation with the AOK: Mr. Janek Wähnert
Seminars offered for grades 11-13:
_ The network - social security in Germany
- Job start - the AOK - application training
- Present? - Why, surely!
- Stress-free to the university
- talk to each other (communication training)
- AC - master clever. The AOK - Assessment Center training
There is also good cooperation with the employment agency.